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ARTICLE Ferrero: "Training Hard and My Expectations are High"

RECOVERED. The Valencian has gotten past his physical problems.

The tennis player Juan Carlos Ferrero, current champion of Roland Garros, has assured that after overcoming the setbacks of season, starting with the chicken pox, trains very hard in the last days. The reason why is that his expectations in the Parisian tournament are the highest, in spite of his lack of match play.

The Valencian player due to different physical problems that have surfaced in this beginning of season has only been able to participate in three (clay) tournaments and has only won five matches on clay.

"I've had a lot of problems, especially because the chickenpox which left me very weak, but now I am training very hard. On clay I have played very little and the only tournament I have left is Roland Garros and I'm going to try to do my very best," affirmed the tennis player, that has reached, at least the semifinals, in the last four editions of this Grand Slam.

Wants to win in Paris

Once overcoming his physical problems, the tennis player of Ontinyent has assured that in Paris his expectations "are the highest, because I've always done well. Having played only 4 matches on clay is a handicap, but I hope to get past that with my experience and to get my rhythym back in the first three or four matches," he explained.

For the defending champion of the tournament, in this new year, "there are no clear favorites, because all the participants are motivated. The Spanish are always the big favorites, because we've won the last two times. Also there are the Argentines who play with a lot of drive, Kuerten or Federer, who just won the last Masters Series."

Ferrero wants to deal positively with his problems at this moment in the season and he has assured that it will help him "be fresher to face the rest of the calander season, since last year I played too many matches."

>> original article
>> another article (in Spanish)
>> one more

[EDIT]Much thanks to Ana for the much nicer translation of the article! *hugs*[/EDIT]

With Roland Garros starting next week there are several articles out talking about JC and his expectations for defending his title in Paris [including the one Marie posted below =)]. This is just a quick translation of one since the others pretty much cover the same material. Pic is from the 'Smash Court' photo shoot. ^^