[EDITED Friday April 9 at 11:00am PST]
A huge THANK YOU for Ana who kindly translated the second article *hugs*
STORIES FROM MALLORCA While searching for DC news came across these two articles below. They basically contain the same information as the articles already posted but they both included rather funny JC moments that seemed worth sharing. Hope you enjoy and please excuse the poor translations ^^
[NOTE: Only posting the funny bits not that whole thing]
(nana title: No Love for Juan Carlos)
Yesterday, the Spanish and Dutch teams visited and praised the stadium where their DC tie is to be held. Accompaning them was the mayor of Mallorca who upon greeting them kissed both Nadal and Moya but refrained from kissing JC!! Her excuse, "I do not feel as comfortable with him as with them." 0_0
>> full article (in Spanish)
"El equipo español se divierte en los entrenamientos" from ultimahora.es
(Ana title: Laughed at by the Dutch)
The spanish team has fun during practices
Moyà and Ferrero show off their skills as football (soccer) players before an intense practice session
The spanish players for Davis Cup make up the best tennis team in the world, but none of them would have minded being football players. In fact, Nadal, Moyà and Ferrero aren't bad at all. After finishing the morning session on Monday, Juan Carlos dared Rafael to play a match of foot-tennis and yesterday the Valencian played against Carlos before starting a intense tennis practice.
During the morning session yesterday, Juan Carlos Ferrero and Carlos Moyà shared the main court while Rafael Nadal and Tommy Robredo used the practice courts. The Valencian and the Mallorcan warmed up showing off their skills as football players, and then started practice. [...]
After going up to the net to volley and warming up on serve, Ferrero and Moyà played 2 tie breaks. They usually make bets so that the loser has to perform some kind of punishment. Sometimes it's jumping over the net like kangaroos, but yesterday they bet that the loser would have go from the base line to the net on all fours barking. They were 1-1 after two tie breaks, so they played a third which Moyà won. Ferrero, his coach, and Arrese (who'd bet for the Valencian) had to complete their punishment while some of the members of the Dutch team had already arrived at the court for their practice session.
>> full article (in Spanish)
A huge THANK YOU for Ana who kindly translated the second article *hugs*

[NOTE: Only posting the funny bits not that whole thing]
(nana title: No Love for Juan Carlos)
Yesterday, the Spanish and Dutch teams visited and praised the stadium where their DC tie is to be held. Accompaning them was the mayor of Mallorca who upon greeting them kissed both Nadal and Moya but refrained from kissing JC!! Her excuse, "I do not feel as comfortable with him as with them." 0_0
>> full article (in Spanish)
"El equipo español se divierte en los entrenamientos" from ultimahora.es
(Ana title: Laughed at by the Dutch)
The spanish team has fun during practices
Moyà and Ferrero show off their skills as football (soccer) players before an intense practice session
The spanish players for Davis Cup make up the best tennis team in the world, but none of them would have minded being football players. In fact, Nadal, Moyà and Ferrero aren't bad at all. After finishing the morning session on Monday, Juan Carlos dared Rafael to play a match of foot-tennis and yesterday the Valencian played against Carlos before starting a intense tennis practice.
During the morning session yesterday, Juan Carlos Ferrero and Carlos Moyà shared the main court while Rafael Nadal and Tommy Robredo used the practice courts. The Valencian and the Mallorcan warmed up showing off their skills as football players, and then started practice. [...]
After going up to the net to volley and warming up on serve, Ferrero and Moyà played 2 tie breaks. They usually make bets so that the loser has to perform some kind of punishment. Sometimes it's jumping over the net like kangaroos, but yesterday they bet that the loser would have go from the base line to the net on all fours barking. They were 1-1 after two tie breaks, so they played a third which Moyà won. Ferrero, his coach, and Arrese (who'd bet for the Valencian) had to complete their punishment while some of the members of the Dutch team had already arrived at the court for their practice session.
>> full article (in Spanish)