UPDATE JC is confirmed to defend his title in Valencia (April 10-18). Other Spaniards that have entered the draw are Costa, Corretja, Feli, as well as Felix Mantilla, David Sánchez, Albert Portas, Galo Blanco, Martín, David Ferrer and Fernando Vicente.
>> article in Spanish
VOTE VOTE VOTE The ATP will present the 2003 Player Awards next week during TMS Miami. JC is nominated for the ATP 'Fan Favorite' and needs your votes if he's going to win. So support JC and vote!! ^^
Also, JC will be presented with a Milestone Tenth Title award. Congrats!!
>> article in Spanish
VOTE VOTE VOTE The ATP will present the 2003 Player Awards next week during TMS Miami. JC is nominated for the ATP 'Fan Favorite' and needs your votes if he's going to win. So support JC and vote!! ^^
Also, JC will be presented with a Milestone Tenth Title award. Congrats!!