The captians of the Spanish team have released to the press their decision to have JC and Moya play singles on Friday. The official draw will be made later.
Much luck JC and Carlos!! ^^
pic: team posing
pic: again
pic: team at practice
pic: close-up
pic: wipe sweat
pic: forehand
pic: backhand
pic: return
pic: serve
pic: practicing
pic: more practicing
pic: kicking the ball
pic: with Antonio
pic: with Moya
pic: with Moya (without watermark)
The captians of the Spanish team have released to the press their decision to have JC and Moya play singles on Friday. The official draw will be made later.
Much luck JC and Carlos!! ^^

pic: team posing
pic: again
pic: team at practice
pic: close-up
pic: wipe sweat
pic: forehand
pic: backhand
pic: return
pic: serve
pic: practicing
pic: more practicing
pic: kicking the ball
pic: with Antonio
pic: with Moya
pic: with Moya (without watermark)