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INTERVIEW post Nalbandian match

Q. What happened today? What went wrong?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: Nothing. I think is one of the days that you don't feel very good since the beginning, you know. I think what's happen this. When I start the match with the first break, you know, I start to feel bad and bad, you know. Every time worst, you know. I didn't hit so good the ball in the whole time, you know. Anyway, he plays solid match, you know, all the time. He plays very good in hard courts so...

Q. When you say you were feeling "bad," was it a question of health or your game?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: No, I mean my game. I mean my game, you know. I start didn't feel so good, you know. I didn't do any winners, you know, since the beginning, you know. I didn't serve very well. I think I didn't do anything good.

Q. Do you remember the last time you felt so bad?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: I think is the first match in the whole year that I play like this so... You know, you never know when is gonna come.

Q. Do you think this is a long year catching up on you?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: Yeah, it's a long year, of course. But, anyways, I had to put more, you know, will, more want to win, you know.

Q. Are you concerned about it?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: Is like all the year, you know. The last two times I played the Masters, you know, I lose the first match, you know. So right now is the same. But I think today I played very bad, not like the last two times, one time I lose 7-6 in the third and the other one in two sets but 6-3, 6-4. I will fight in the next game, and I try to practice well in the next days.

Q. There are so many wonderful Spanish players with tremendous results. Do you think Spanish tennis gets the credit it deserves?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: I don't think so. Because, for example, here there is only one newspaper like... Well, three.


JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: I think in Spain, don't follow us so much.

Q. Outside of Spain, do you think Spanish...

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: Outside of Spain, I think yes. But I think it's not so good that we are playing here in Masters, you know, and there is so many Spanish people here. I think is not the -- I was talking with the other guys, you know, and we think the same.

Q. I did not understand. Do you think it's not good that you're playing here?

THE MODERATOR: No, no. His point is he doesn't think it's followed as it should be in Spain.

Q. You're kind of ill feeling today, is it something you felt the last couple of days? Is it something where you just woke up today...?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: No, I felt okay, you know, before the match - and the other days as well. So I went to the court and I start to play and I didn't feel so good.

Q. More mental than physical as far as not feeling good?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Q. After winning the French Open you said some of your goals included playing well on hard courts, which you obviously did this year, and getting to No. 1, which you did. Now you're No. 2. How significant is it to finish a year at No. 1 as opposed to having it for a couple weeks during the year, or even for a stretch, but that year-end No. 1 ranking?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: You know, I think it is one of my goals to finish No. 1, you know. I finish No. 1, I think will be fantastic for me. I fighting a lot to be No. 1, and I was. But right now, I wanted to be No. 1 and I want to finish the year No. 1. This is very difficult, but I'm gonna try it.

Q. If you could change one thing about the US Open final, aside from the final result, what would you change about that match?

JUAN CARLOS FERRERO: I don't know. You know, I don't remember so good the final, you know, I think. To change the result, you know (smiling).